The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21559   Message #230297
Posted By: Kelida
18-May-00 - 11:42 PM
Thread Name: A Kinder, Gentler Place
Subject: RE: A Kinder, Gentler Place
I haven't been here very long, and I've been sort of lurking lately--not doing a whole lot of posting at all. Some of that is because as it nears the end of the school year I have exams (and an Advanced Placement test) to study for, but part of it is because of my own run-ins with trolls and flamers. After catching a lot of fire for my posts--which I generally consider to be civil or helpful, and at the very least funny--I decided that it might be best to think very carefully about what I post responses to.

At seventeen, I know I'm one of the youngest people here, and I didn't come here so much to share what I know (which, admittedly, is not nearly as much as what most of the others here seem to know) but to learn from the great wealth of knowledge and information that others have to share. If I know the answer to a question, I try to respond if no one else has already given the same answer, and I try to read most of the music-related threads. If I don't have a lot of questions all the time, it's because I want to learn as much as possible from other people's questions so that when I DO have a question, I'll be able to ask intelligently and be able to understand the answers. I admit that I mostly frequent the BS threads when I post, but as I said above, I DO read the music threads.

I, for one, am not ready for real names.
