The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109998   Message #2303478
Posted By: katlaughing
01-Apr-08 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability - counting goals - 4th month
Good for you, Michelle!

Ah, I see I should add that I keep a webpage which keeps track of all of my nourishment goals, etc. It is another very important component which keeps me on track. My other goals are to continue on with the treadmill and qi gong six days per week with the increased speed on the treadmill as well as keeping my caloric count up where it needs to be. I had hit a plateau, then spoke with the doc. I didn't realise I was eating too few calories (it seemed like a lot!) and, contrary to what so-called common sense says, eating more calories (the good kind) has resulted in letting go of more weight! I love it..worrying over whether I have eaten enough!

T-10 - 2.56 miles
QG - 30