The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #10315   Message #230382
Posted By: Racer
19-May-00 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: Show off tunes
Subject: RE: Show off tunes
I once heard Wierd Al Yankovic talking about learning "Purple Haze" on the accordian and blasting it across his neighborhood with the help of a mic and an amp. Apparently, when he was in his teens, he felt kind of detached for learning such an unpopular instrument. I can understand his feelings.

I think that if I ever hear "Purple Haze" on an accordian, I can definitely say I've lived. I will have lived it all by that point.

The best way to please an audience is to play the same crap that they hear five-hundred times a day on the radio.

Those are my thoughts.
