The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109664   Message #2304134
Posted By: Genie
01-Apr-08 - 10:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tavis Smiley on Wrightgate
Subject: RE: BS: Tavis Smiley on Wrightgate
I kind of agree with Smiley's criticisms - from an idealist point of view. And I hope Obama will eventually use his own 'pulpit' to help rehabilitate the distorted image of Rev. Jeremiah Wright brought to the public by Faux Noise (Hannity, especially) and echoed mindlessly by the other "mainstream media."    But Obama has to win a lot more than "the black vote" to win the Presidency.   He can't be seen as "the candidate" of any one sub-group if he wants to be elected, much less if he wants to bring about the healing and unification that his candidacy is about.

My question for Smiley and his follwers is"
"If you're disappointed in Obama over how he responded to 'Wrightgate," does that mean you're throwing your support to Clinton? Has she stood up for Rev. Wright and pointed out the important truths his 'outrageous' sermons were addressing?   Is she representing the views and needs of "black Americans" as well as Obama does? I sure hope you're not suggesting McCain is better."