The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21546   Message #230428
Posted By: Spider Tom
19-May-00 - 08:01 AM
Thread Name: How Has Hearme Enhanced Your Life
Subject: RE: How Has Hearme Enhanced Your Life
You see before you (or maybe you don't)a hoplessly addicted, Hearme-ite.
I blame alison for this.
It was she who sent me the neccessery stuff to get on the thing(Understand I am a man of little knowledge when it comes to these things).,br> YES, it is a little hard to get it up and running, don't know how I would have done it on my own.
But now Hearme is a friend to me, it lets me hold hands with the world,in ways I never knew possible.
I love sessions and have to try and fit them in with my shift work, so what a treat to find friends to sing and play with and listen to.
My wife has been away and I normally find myself at a loose end at such times.
Tonight I spoke to her on the phone and raved about the great time I have been having, I think I hurt her feelings,how could she possibly understand something so intimate and yet so seperate,Long live Hearme.
A BIG THANK YOU for getting me on.
Come on in, its worth the trouble.
Spider Tom