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Thread #101088   Message #2304722
Posted By: Amos
02-Apr-08 - 03:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Obama: Gore "Will Be At The Table"

Asked on "60 Minutes" recently who he is supporting in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination, Al Gore said he's "tryin' to stay out of it."

But the Associated Press reports that Barack Obama wants him to be very much in it, if and when he takes the presidency.

Asked if he would consider Gore for his cabinet or a higher position to address global warming, Obama told the crowd at a town hall meeting in Pennsylvania that he would.

"Not only will I, but I will make a commitment that Al Gore will be at the table and play a central part in us figuring out how we solve this problem," Obama said. "He's somebody I talk to on a regular basis. I'm already consulting with him in terms of these issues but climate change is real."

Both Obama and Hillary Clinton have courted Gore, the climate change activist who backed Howard Dean in 2004. The former vice president and presidential nominee has also been discussed as someone who could serve as a broker to help settle the hard-fought Democratic race.