The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109821   Message #2305612
Posted By: Little Hawk
03-Apr-08 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Religious freedom, or murder?
Subject: RE: BS: Religious freedom, or murder?
Everyone deals with what they think of as "reality", Riginslinger. They do. Without exception. They deal with their version of "reality". They deal with it quite consciously, every single day of their lives. Again, you object specifically to people whose version of "reality" is noticeably different from yours in certain specific respects (of a religious sort).

Why not just get on happily with your own reality instead? Do you feel threatened by those who believe differently, Riginslinger? I think you must feel threatened, otherwise you would not keep bellyaching constantly on this forum about people who happen to believe in some things you don't believe in.