The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109664   Message #2305621
Posted By: Bobert
03-Apr-08 - 01:30 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tavis Smiley on Wrightgate
Subject: RE: BS: Tavis Smiley on Wrightgate
I couldn't agree more with GG's opinion that it is time to revamp the constitution... It is so outdated that even with activit Supreme Courts the governemnt is getting less and less democratic...

Take, fir instance the population of Utah and compare it to that of California... Both have 2 senators yet when you look at the fairness in representation 1 Utahian = 77 Califonians... This is just one example where things donm't work...

Jefferson, in his writings, made it clear that he thought that the document was flexible enough so that it could be changed easily to keep it modern... That really hasn't happened... It isn't modern... It does not even have a provison that states that women are equal to men and should therefore be conpenstaed equally for equal work... It has to say purdy much just that because the Supremes couldn't give a tinker's fam about equal pay for women... That is a fact... But look at how difficult, because of interest groups, money and PR, it is just to get asn ammendment that specifically says that women should have equal rights...

Nevermind... Grrrrrrrrrrrrr....
