The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109664   Message #2306046
Posted By: Bobert
03-Apr-08 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Tavis Smiley on Wrightgate
Subject: RE: BS: Tavis Smiley on Wrightgate
Exactly, Genie...

These are all nuggets that have been tested before control groups before put out for public consumption...

The Rev. Wright deal was exactly that.... Take 3 minutes outta man's life and try to define him by thoes three minutes... Hey, I understand it if those three minutes are Lee Harvey Oswald's 3 minutes in Texas, or James Earl Ray's 3 minutes in Memphis but to try to define Rev. Wright by reducing thousands of hours of work into three losy minutes is about a hypocrital as there is...

Heck, I'd hate to have a nation judge me by my most radical 3 minuites... Yeah, okay, back in the 60's I was workin' as a community organizer for the local CAP program and the City of Richmond was getting ready to cut funding for the program so I got up before the the City Council with a packed and loud audience and went into a rant about raising taxes and "puttin' barbed wire around the poor neighborhoods, just like in Nazi Germnany, then white folks wouldn't have to worry about them niggas"...

Yeah, the black folks in the audience, most who I knew well, loved what I said and I got alot of "Amen, brothers" but if I were to run for political office and the tape of that speech were to come into the hands of my opponent I would be toast!!!

Yeah, we gotta be real carefull when we try to generalize... When we take a man's most radical and angry moments and try to define his entire life by them... All people who try to make things better go thru hard times... Jesus turned over the tables of the money changers in the temple... If there had been 30 second clips of that running 24/7 on CNN or Fox then maybe we wouldn't have a New Testament today...

I mean, lets get real here...
