The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2306940
Posted By: Amos
04-Apr-08 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
"The tales of regulatory negligence by the Bush administration never seem to end. An investigation into the death of six coal miners and three would-be rescuers last summer in Utah faults the federal Mine Safety and Health Administration for failing to properly oversee the high-risk mining technique that led to the collapse of the Crandall Canyon Mine.

The finding, by the Labor DepartmentÕs inspector general, presents a stark warning of possible future disasters now that the coal industry is booming. Companies are increasingly turning to the riskier production methods used at Crandall Canyon Ñ techniques that demand more aggressive vigilance to ensure minersÕ safety.

The mine agency lacked a rigorous oversight plan required by law to monitor roof safety at Crandall Canyon as workers there conducted Òretreat miningÓ Ñ winnowing coal pillars bracing the mine ceiling Ñ to extract as much coal as possible. Mining-induced seismic jolts eventually obliterated these supports.

The Bush administrationÕs patronage-driven penchant for appointing industry executives to regulate their own industry is well known. So are the costs. In the Crandall Canyon investigation, the inspector general pointedly questioned whether the mine agency was Òfree from undue influence by the mine operator.Ó" ...

Given that the FAA under the Biush Administration has also been ignoring flight safety violations and airworthiness problems in SWA aircraft, it is beginning to look lie George Bush has been responsible for more American deaths than Al Queda...