The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21368   Message #230714
Posted By: GUEST,Drew Smith
19-May-00 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: Mississippi John Hurt
Subject: RE: Mississippi John Hurt
I loved John Hurt's picking and singing! Doggone, I could have seen and heard Mississippi John Hurt when he was still alive, but didn't ever get around to do it. I certainly regret that a lot. He influenced so many guitar pickers, much as Libba Cotton did, too. But I did get to meet with Elizabeth Cotton in her very late years, when we were both performing at the Philadelphia Folk Festival. I found her sitting in the performers area, all by herself ... and I was determined not to let the opportunity pass, so I went and sat alongside her and talked with her for over a half hour. She was delightful!

And as she was about to go up to the main stage for the last time she ever performed there, she bent over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Wow! So ... my message is for you to go and do the things that you feel you should, for who knows when (or if) the opportunity may present itself again.