The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110155   Message #2308165
Posted By: Doug Chadwick
06-Apr-08 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: An ASBO for Morris Dancing?
Subject: RE: An ASBO for Morris Dancing?
In another thread you wrote:

They whinge because mainstream, "normal" people don't take them seriously, yet make no effort to respect tradarts themselves but arse around in stupid clothes* getting pissed and degrading the music. ………………………..

………..Meanwhile, the REAL musicians, the invisible ones that persons lost in Missouri (or even downtown Mitcham) don't believe exist are just getting on with playing, in sessions in people's houses, outside in rain and hail for Morris* or in pubs without poncy tea lights on the tables, as they have always done for decades.

* my emphasis with bold font

Morris dancers, (with their bells, ribbons, clogs, breeches and stockings, flowers on their hats, black faces, handkerchiefs and the like), tend to get equated by the general public (albeit wrongly) with stupid clothes.

I'm a bit confused. Are you for or against Morris dancing?