The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21620   Message #230963
Posted By: Allan C.
20-May-00 - 08:27 AM
Thread Name: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
Subject: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
Many years ago David C. fell. The fall caused him some skeletal damage and quite a bit of nerve damage. Most of that damage was thought to have been repaired. The damage which remained was "under control" with medications.

However, within the past few days David C. has lost the ability to walk without the use of a cane and has also lost his ability to sit in one place comfortably for more than about twenty minutes.

This last item is the most troubling for David. This precludes his being able to ride in or drive a car for long periods of time. That, unfortunately, means that David C. will not be able to be on the road with Bill and me for Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip. He will not be able to make the drive to Charlottesville from his home in West Virginia to play the gig on Thursday night.

I spoke with David by phone last night. This is when I first learned of this development. He had been to the doctor yesterday afternoon and the doctor had confirmed most of David's worst fears. As soon as he returned from the docor, David phoned me. He had waited until after the docor visit because he didn't want to say anything to me about it until he was sure that this wasn't just a passing thing.

Two weeks ago when I last met with David C., he was dancing around like a puppy. I think I have never seen him so excited about anything as he has been about this adventure. I am sure that he is now devastated by this twist of fate.

David's first concerns were about disappointing Bill and me. He also feels that he has somehow let you guys down. I have tried to tell him that we all can deal with this and that life will go on and all that sort of thing, but a word or two from you folks here might help. I will be sure he sees a print-out of this thread.
