The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110120   Message #2309647
Posted By: Stephen L. Rich
07-Apr-08 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: Review: Phil Ochs
Subject: RE: Review: Phil Ochs
People have been comparing Ochs to Dylan for decades. Talk about apples and oranges. One of the primary reasons that we remember Och's work so well is that he was one of the few songwriters working at the time who did NOT try to imitate Dylan. Yes, he felt a strong rivalry with Dylan and most of the earliest comparison of his work to Dylan's came from him. But, the truth is that while he always wanted to show up Dylan he did so by seeking out his own voice and his own style.
    It's true that Ochs could not have written "Subterranean Homesick Blues" or "It's Allright Ma. I'm only Bleeding". By the same token, Dylan could not have written "Chords of Fame" or "No More Songs".

    They are two entirely different types of artists with two entirely different approaches to the work. To compare them is unfair and unkind to both.

Stephen Lee