The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21620   Message #230971
Posted By: katlaughing
20-May-00 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
Subject: RE: Bad News: David C's Twist of Fate
Oh, Allan, thank you for letting us know and please tell David that we understand completely. Twists of fate happen to us all and we have to just learn to roll with the punches.

While it will be sad not to meet him, our first concern is that he receive any medical help that he can and that he be able to recover and start feeling better. We are so sorry this happened and wish only the best for him.

Kat and Roger

P.S. Tell him there is a gig open at Fifi's for next year, too!**BG** (see my latest posting to your other thread)