The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110155   Message #2309940
Posted By: Marje
08-Apr-08 - 07:44 AM
Thread Name: An ASBO for Morris Dancing?
Subject: RE: An ASBO for Morris Dancing?
Tim up there, and anyone else who's still missing the point of the original post - it was not a serious point or allegation. It was a quotation from a SPOOF, a PARODY, a PASTICHE of a John Grisham thriller, as the panelists imagined he might write for the English market. It was not real. Nobody ever said that a morris dancer could or would be the subject of an ASBO, it was a flight of fancy on a panel game about writing.

And to move on the the hanky issue: wouldn't it be astonishing if ever morris side everywhere called their kit by exactly the same names? Why on earth does it matter if people in one region use slightly different terminology - the do for the weather, for types of bread, for children's games, so why not in the morris world? And Diane, if you think it loks silly to squabble about this (as indeed it does), remember it was you who started the controversy by correcting someone else's usage.

And as for fairies at festivals - bring 'em on! I prefer to stick to more conventional festival clothing myself, namely a casual, verging-on-hippie style, but I think it's just great to see grown men and women discovering their inner fairy and finding a place where they can do this without hindrance or ridicule. So what if they do wear suits all the rest of the year, is that any better?

Mind you, I do live near Totnes, where you could probably walk down the high street wearing wings and a tiara without attracting a backward glance.
