The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110009   Message #2310499
Posted By: GUEST,Phil B
08-Apr-08 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: Tony Rose live compilation coming
Subject: RE: Tony Rose live compilation coming
Hi Folks
Sorry I don't have time to be more active with information. I'll try and get it all in this post.
Laura is the main instigator and collector of the 'Tony Tapes' with much help from Diggory, Meg and Helen. I first came into the frame after a glass of wine too many after the SOH concert at Sidmouth last year. I mentioned my personal sadness at the danger of Tonys contribution being slightly forgotten compared with others. (When I first met the young Downes and the young Knightley back in '69, they were in a band that played almost exclusively traditional material and Paul could certainly play almost everything from both Tonys and Martin Carthys repertoire. Through them and through another schoolmate Kate Powell, I first went to the 'Jolly Porter' folk club. My memory is faulty but the first two folk gigs I heard there were Pete and Chris Coe and Tony. I don't recall which came first)Tonys influence comes full circle with us with a recording of 'Sheath & Knife' which is on the impending D&B re-union live album next month. SOH played the South Petherton Folk Fest several times under Tonys stewardship and that was the last time I saw him. His influence on my music is very strong indeed.

Dig told me that Laura had been collecting material for a long time and that Pete Coe had already done sterling work in creating a short list. This is what I'm working with. With the aid of an excellent mastering engineer, I'm working the recordings up into the best state I can get them. Other than some recordings from America done by Ed Haber, I don't know any of the sources yet. I won't until the gang have written the copious sleeve notes and passed them on so I don't as yet know whose contributions are here. We intend to have this album up and running for Sidmouth. My labels distributors have already expressed interest. One of the guys there, Alan Levermore, turns out to be a great admirer of Tony as well. They have already discussed the download scenario with me and we will be going down that road, hopefully, in parallel with the physical release. We fully intend to have a few drinks that night on the record stall after the SOH concert again. At some time towards the end of the year when I've got some time, I will visit the source tapes and see what else is there. Hope that puts all of you in the picture.