The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #108722   Message #2310824
Posted By: Azizi
09-Apr-08 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: Yes We Can video & other similar videos
Subject: RE: Yes We Can video & other similar videos
I found the answer to my question from the same source that I learned about this song {a dailykos dairy}.

Here's the information in case anyone else reading this didn't know it:

"The song "I've Been Everywhere" was written by Geoff Mack in 1959 and made popular by the singer Lucky Starr in 1962.

It listed Australian towns. It was later adapted for North American (primarily United States) place names and by John Hore (later known as John Grenell) with New Zealand place names (1966).

The song was a number 1 hit in Country Music in November 1962 in the United States for the recording artist Hank Snow...

The song was also recorded by : Lynn Anderson (USA 1970); Asleep
Original singer Lucky Starr released an EP called "Lucky's Been Everywhere," which contained 4 different versions: Great Britain, U.S.A., New Zealand, and Australia (Festival Records FX-10.485 (Australia))."'ve_Been_Everywhere