The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32553   Message #2310872
Posted By: KT
09-Apr-08 - 03:52 AM
Thread Name: Alaska Folk Festival, in Juneau April 7-13 2008
Subject: RE: Alaska Folk Festival, in Juneau April 7-13 2008
Hey, Jim! Well, Judy's set was tonight. She came out on stage, got all flustered, forgot the lyrics, said it was all Big Jim's fault and stomped off the stage.

And if you were listening on line, you know that that was another boldfaced fib. She was great, just like you said, and afterwards we had an impromptu, far too brief song swap and great discussion about performing. The only trouble is, she's leaving far too early.
Hope you have another great day tomorrow! I'll see Judy then. Any messages you'd like me to deliver?