The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110270   Message #2312225
Posted By: Santa
10-Apr-08 - 02:17 PM
Thread Name: Bella Hardy
Subject: Bella Hardy
Last night I saw/heard Bella Hardy and Chris Sherburn at the Clarence.

A little while ago I started a thread suggesting that the more recent/younger female folk singers of my hearing, whilst talented, musical, entertaining, etc, lacked a strong (killer) voice. I asked for suggestions, for who I might be missing. Nobody suggested Bella Hardy.

You (collectively) should have done. I first heard her singing Three Black Feathers on Folk on 2, and thought that was very good, so made sure I was there last night. I can't say I liked all of her arrangements, but that's par for the course, isn't it? Her voice, however, is superb.