The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110254   Message #2312231
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-Apr-08 - 02:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why is sex worse than death in the US?
Subject: RE: BS: Why is sex worse than death in the US?
Lox wrote (the first line quoted is mine)

"Those men must have thought they died and gone to heaven"

I'm not sure whether this is meant to suggest that men in general, if they could, would choose to live this kind of existence.

I meant, they were getting away with something that they shouldn't be doing, and they know it perfectly well, but disguise it in the name of 'religion.' They were behaving like criminals and their secrecy was as much to cover it up as to keep young women from escaping or ratting on them. That setup was designed to bring a steady supply of extremely young and intentionally naive sex partners for a group of men who eliminated the competition by removing the competition, their own sons, before they were old enough to understand what they were being removed from.

It was predatory, calculated, manipulative, and it was slavery. Jeffs got off lightly so far. Now that this place has had the light of day shone upon it, his second trial will be the one where they throw away the key.

Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Imagine how depressing it must be to have to anticipate being the sex partner of someone your father's age. Of someone who is like an uncle to you. The anticipation of youthful love with a peer is gone because the young men are banished after a while. And even when there are younger men, as was the case with the Warren Jeffs' trial, the man was something like 20 and the girl was in her early teens, she didn't want him as a partner but was not given the right of refusal. The level of energy and good spirits must be pretty low in that place on a continual basis.