The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110187   Message #2312650
Posted By: M.Ted
11-Apr-08 - 12:14 AM
Thread Name: Bob Dylan Wins Pulitzer prize
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan Wins Pulitzer prize
Little Hawk,

I was trying to give you, or anyone, an opening to say something important for a change. Forget the Chongo Chimp stuff, forget the Shatner stuff--forget all those stupid threads about whether astrology works, or the discussions about the existence of God--

The bottom line is, forty or so years ago(more or less) a lot of us, maybe most of us, were sitting around the hifi in someone's parents rec room listening to Dylan, eating fritos and Jello cubes and having intense discussions about war and peace, or a hard rain falling, or the fact that the times really were changin', and what the hell were we going to do?

The music, and the songs were not much like anything anyone had ever heard before, and not like much that anyone has done since, and it changed us, and stuck with us--

I would just like someone, anyone, to say something true and real about it, rather the same old same old--