The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109636   Message #2312668
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
11-Apr-08 - 01:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Avoiding The Olympics
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding The Olympics
It never will as long as they restrict families and encourage the abandonment or termination of female babies.

A good friend of mine was teaching in China when the riots started in the 1980's. All non-Chinese inhabitants were forcibly expelled from the country. He vanished. Enquiries to the Chinese Embassy in Britain were ignored or else they said they'd never heard of him and several others. Enquiries to the British Embassy in China received a similar answer, no one knew what had really happened to him. Everyone, including his parents thought he was interred, or worse, dead.

He was lucky. He and his girlfriend were actually on holiday 'up country' when the rioting started and they managed to get out of the country on foot.

On their 4 month journey through China, where they were helped and supported by the general populace, they saw first hand the life of the average Chinese country person, and it is not good. Later, when they married and decided to adopt children, they chose to adopt a Chinese baby. On their journey through China, they'd spent a couple of nights hiding in an orphanage and worked out that over 2/3rds of the children there were girls, and most of them had been abandoned shortly after birth.

Incidentally, also on their journey out, they passed one of the remote internment camps and were able to confirm that there were Europeans being held there, for no reason other than they didn't leave China quickly enough.

This was only about 20 years ago... China has a very long way to go before they're anywhere near the democratic state we would all wish for.