The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2313015
Posted By: Amos
11-Apr-08 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
"Standing together in City Hall yesterday afternoon, 11 city and
state elected officials endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for president.
The group was composed of six City Council members, three state representatives, and two state senators.
In addition, City Council President Anna C. Verna, who did not attend
the news conference, has informed Obama that he has her vote as leader of the 36th Ward in South Philadelphia.

"This decision is in her capacity as a political leader, not a
councilwoman," Verna spokesman Anthony Radwanski said. He said she
was confining her endorsement to her ward position so as not to speak
for the leaders of other wards in the Second Council District that
Verna represents.

Some of those wards back Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton; others are behind Obama.

Verna did not take a formal vote in her ward, Radwanski said, "but
she knows her committee people well enough to know who they are supporting."

The intent of yesterday's endorsements was to boost the show of local
support for Obama, given that heading into Pennsylvania's April 22 primary Clinton has the backing of two high-profile officials: Gov. Rendell and Mayor Nutter.

Council members announcing their support of Obama yesterday were Curtis Jones, Bill Green, Jannie L. Blackwell, Donna Reed Miller, James F. Kenney and W. Wilson Goode Jr.

With them were State Sens. Shirley Kitchen and Vincent Hughes, and State Reps. Jewell Williams, Harold James and Tony Payton Jr."
