The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #98591   Message #2313165
Posted By: GUEST,dianavan
11-Apr-08 - 02:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Getting out of teaching
Subject: RE: BS: Getting out of teaching
"Is there anyone here who really loves teaching? Who gains from it? Who feels that this daily work adds to the sum of goodness in the world?"

Yes, but I try not to dwell on it because then I feel guilty for leaving.

I love teaching and my relationships with students and their parents have nurtured me for many years. I do believe, however, that I will be replaced by a younger, more energetic teacher, eager and willing to kiss ass. Eventually, that teacher will also burn out and be replaced. Unfortunately, this results in an unstable staff with little or no experience who gladly does what is ordered without question.

This, of course, creates a system that that is always starting over from scratch. Experienced teachers know which methods work best but young teachers are still experimenting. If anything, the older you get, the more efficient you become. The more efficient you become, the more extra responsibility you are expected to shoulder. In other words, the older you get, the more you do.

Once you reach a point where you start cutting back on the amount of volunteer work you do (as a matter of self-preservation) the more you are viewed as 'dead weight' by the administration. I said no more phone calls at home, no more e-mails, no more unnecessary staff meetings and no more coaching and sponsoring. The principal (I believe) decided that I was a bad example for the younger teachers. I was also known to ask too many questions. She has made my job unbearable.

My lessons were tried and true so I didn't have to experiment to know how my students learned best. I've already thrown out the material that was useless and boring. I can leave the building at 3:30 because I know what I will be doing tomorrow. Young teachers stay until 6:00 (this looks very good to admin.) because they are still trying to put their lessons and materials together.

Basically, there is absolutely no respect for experience or creativity. The administration just wants little worker bees who do what they are told, regardless of educational rationale.

I've decided I've given enough of my life to a bloodless system who rewards only superficial teachers. Those who are passionate about education (teaching and learning) will not be supported or valued by hyper-vigilant, micro-managers. In fact, they will take all the joy out of your chosen profession.