The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110154   Message #2313190
Posted By: alanabit
11-Apr-08 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Views on Mugabe Zimbabwe
Subject: RE: BS: Views on Mugabe Zimbabwe
Actually Teribus, all of those unpleasant people on my list, were at various times considered to be, as I (admittedly sarcastically) described them, by both the UK government and the lovely CIA. In fact, I would call the phrase "Marxist dictator" an oxymoron in the same way as I would perceive phrases like "vegetarian butcher" or "pacifist killer". Mugabe is no more of a socialist for robbing the people of Zimbabwe than Hitler was a Christian for killing Jews. What really put my back up was your use of the word "Marxist" as a perjorative.
On one point we are agreed. A dictator is a dictator whatever political colour he paints himself. As it happens, I also agree with Peace's ironic comment. Nature is likely to take its course and rid Zimbabwe of a dictator. I hope it is sooner rather than later.
By he way, those of us, who know a few Chilean refugees, are aware that Pinochet's commitment to democracy was at best unconvincing.