The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110187   Message #2313318
Posted By: M.Ted
11-Apr-08 - 06:18 PM
Thread Name: Bob Dylan Wins Pulitzer prize
Subject: RE: Bob Dylan Wins Pulitzer prize
That's more what I was hoping for, LH--on behalf of posterity, thank you--

Here are a few comments of my own, on your comments--

People today have much more access to the music of the past than ever--there isn't too much that I can't find, either download from an on-line service like iTunes, or at least from either a collector or on line record dealer. And that's not counting all the artist-posted stuff, the podcasts, and archives--I agree that folks are isolated to a horrifying degree(especially from real, live music) and are force-fed the artificial, quality and portion controlled music that the Music Industry markets, but if people want to hear anything else, they can--

In case you've forgotten, back in our salad days, the minute a song fell off the pop charts, it disappeared--there were no oldies stations, no Hits of the xx'x stations, no soft-rock stations--there *were* friends who had the album, and friends of friends who had the album, and, if you were lucky, could make a cassette, otherwise you borrowed, or visited--

As to the business about "attitude", the 60's folk/rock/movement/scene was the most colorful aggregation of fakes, phonies, and pretenders that there ever was. The kids out there today have their affectations, to be sure, but our generation did it first and better;-)

There are a lot of kids making interesting music, though I feel like you do, the older I get, the harder it is to find it-

It throws me for a loop that REM and Morrissey are the artists that the new generation listened to while growing up--and even more that artists like say, Neutral Milk Hotel , are almost completely unknown to our generation of folkies, even though their music is so clearly "Post-Dylanist"--