The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110318   Message #2313458
Posted By: Azizi
12-Apr-08 - 12:38 AM
Thread Name: Origins: I've Been to Haarlem, I've Been to Dover
Subject: RE: Origins: I've Been to Haarlem, I've Been to Dover

In the first post that Malcolm Douglas linked to, the beverage was "liquor":

"A favourite game at harvest supper was "Turn the cup over", presided over by a self-appointed chairman. Each man in turn had to drink all the beer from a horn cup placed on the crown of a hat, while the company sang:

I've been to London, boys, I've been to Dover
I've been a-travelling, boys, all the world over
Over and over, over and over
Drink up your liquor and turn the cup over."


Eventually references to "liquor" turned to "brandywine". And overtime, this hard drinking men's song became a children's song and "liquor" and "brandywine" changed to "lemonade".

Well,at least in my school, folks were given a choice of "drink[ing] what you want to drink".

As for me, "I love coffee, I love tea".