The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110327   Message #2314386
Posted By: Folknacious
13-Apr-08 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: Kate Rusby doc on Channel 5 Sunday 11am
Subject: RE: Kare Rusby doc on Channel 5 Sunday 11am
"a nice intro for people who don't know her" "never captured the real Kate"

Well I don't know her and I did indeed think it was a very nice intro, so you're right Rog. I've got several of her CDs and have seen her live, but the programme drew me in to the person, what makes her tick. She's much more serious and dedicated to the music than the rather ditzy impression I'd got from gigs. A friend of mine who usually only goes for indie bands watched it (more to keep me quiet than anything, I imagine, since I've been nagging all my non-folk friends to catch this series), and was fascinated and now wants me to recommend more of "this sort of thing." It helped that Graham Coxon was one of the "talking heads".

I sippose that if you're a friend or know someone personally then no documentary will be much of a surprise or include everything, but for us out here who don't know her other than from audience distance it was quite revealing and dare I say it mildly inspirational too. She hardly deserves the mud that gets slung at her in places like this.