The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109174   Message #2315167
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
14-Apr-08 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering accountability - heave ho!
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering accountability - heave ho!
The basketball hoop is gone! History!

I heard a pickup stop and a neighbor was putting it in the back. I went out and thanked him and asked if he needed a rope to attach it. He was driving two blocks up our quiet street, so was okay and his son has a larger pickup. It's for his grandson. Good! It needs to go where it will get used. It's not that none of us enjoy shooting hoops, it was the bad locations. We could get one of those portable ones and use it on the other side of the drive. Or maybe I should send my son two doors up the street and ask if he can shoot hoops there.

I have sorted the contents of the ERIC cabinet into telephony, computer, and audio/video baskets and will thin those down. And then there is the "where did this come from?" category and the "well, shoot, I thought I already got rid of all of this stuff" stack. I don't need this many printer cables or other cables, so I think they're bound for eBay, as is an old Zip drive.

Maybe at lunch I can start putting some of the slides and photo books and boxes in the former ERIC cabinet. I've decided it needs to be a dedicated camera and film spot. It's where the slide scanner can sit and reach the computer. This is a much better use.

Later on I need to . . . gulp . . . approach the plastic in the Tupperware cupboard . . .