The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21656   Message #231519
Posted By: Little Neophyte
21-May-00 - 04:31 PM
Thread Name: Being True to Oneself
Subject: RE: Being True to Oneself
Wow, thanks Jenny
A whole self-worth thread set up just for me.
Maybe I should just write out 100 times on this posting, Just Be Myself, Just Be Myself, maybe that would be a good thing to do?
All kidding aside, it has been on of my biggest issue. I have even found myself falling into the trap of trying to seek Rick's approval. When I do that, I try to catch myself, talking about it and letting it go.
I do have a wonderful teacher, don't I Jenny.
He is the best and I need do nothing more than just have fun learning and see where it all takes me, right?

Little Neo