The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #48907   Message #2315334
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
14-Apr-08 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: Help: Dirty Old Town? Meaning??? (MacColl)
Subject: RE: Help: Dirty Old Town? Meaning???
I always thought that the bridge over the sudsy bit was called 'Cock Robin Bridge' but now I look up that name it wasn't that bridge at all! Unless that one also had the same name as the footbridge over the railway at Brindle Heath? Stranger things have happened...

Anyway. Couple of things - The Spinners may just sing 'Salford Wind' - One of them is from Salford.

The Artisans Dwellings, otherwise known as just 'The Dwellings' were at the top of Oldfield Road - More like a Tenement block than a place for down and outs. That pleasure was reserved for the Doss House!

