The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109898   Message #2316626
Posted By: Don Firth
15-Apr-08 - 04:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: How many socialists are there here?
Subject: RE: BS: How many socialists are there here?
Also, I'm quite certain that your use of the term "Liberal Arts major" in the context of this thread is imply that those who disagree with you on scientific matters must be a) ignorant of science, and b) politically liberal.

Wrong on both counts. There are plenty of Liberal Arts majors (such as myself) who are quite knowledgeable in many realms of science. And I know a fair number of Liberal Arts majors who are politically very conservative.

And since it does make use of the argumentum ad hominen (a fallacious attempt to refute an argument by attacking the person presenting the argument rather than confronting the argument itself--hence, invalid), it is a transparent attempt to muddy the waters.

Actually, in a sense, in addition to be the fallacy of the argumentum ad hominem, it is a variation on the "straw man" fallacy.

Don Firth

P. S. Ain't "Liberal Arts" a bitch?