The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110388   Message #2317435
Posted By: Folknacious
16-Apr-08 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: Athena Doc on Five
Subject: RE: Athena Doc on Five
George - I think she has been here a lot longer than 3 years. What biogs I can find from Googling - here and here- says she's British, born here of Greek parents, went to Greece young, came back here for university (Bath) and stayed. She must be in her early 30s so that means she's been living here a good decade or more. I remember she did an Andy Kershaw session of Greek songs about three years ago, though I seem to remember it also included a British trad song too, maybe Black Is The Colour, and then the very well promoted Froots tours. Though as I said above, she seemed to vanish after that, maybe back to Greece then? Hopefully all will be clear after Sunday.