The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #109174   Message #2317866
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
16-Apr-08 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-cluttering accountability - heave ho!
Subject: RE: BS: De-cluttering accountability - heave ho!
Saulgoldie, good to see a new face here! 20 paper grocery bags? You've had a tripping hazard around for a while, it sounds like!

When I was a child and going to elementary school in West Seattle, Washington, the school would do a paper drive every year, and families saved up for that. We lugged so much paper to school in those couple of weeks that they stacked them high in these "play courts" that we used in cold and wet weather. They just about filled them.

I try not to let more than a couple of bags of paper pile up, though this time of year I keep at least one bag out in the garage to use in the garden, where it is sometimes handy to put under the mulch to keep weeds down.

I've put more on eBay, and I'm targeting a bunch of kids clothes this evening. I'll photograph, list, and bag them, and drop them off at Goodwill tomorrow morning. It's going slow, but it's going. Did anyone else read the story about the Collyer brothers? I looked a bit further, there was a book written about them in 2003. They had the defective gene in spades, but through their madness they took themselves out of the gene pool.