The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110470   Message #2318103
Posted By: Bryn Pugh
17-Apr-08 - 06:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcatters on Saturdays/ Sundays
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcatters on Saturdays/ Sundays
Saturday : my beloved and I go into Market Harborough to shop, and I check out two places which deal in coins. I collect coins and banknotes (rare, few and far between because of their great age ) of the

Irish Free State (Saorstat Eireann). This existed de jure for fifteen years only - 1922 to 1937 - and hence is, as it were, 'frozen in time'

Coffee and cakes at the Farm Shop cafe, and then the weekly veggie shop pending harvesting our own from the allotment.

Hoovering and ironing in the evening for me, while Erica watches CSI and other poxy police shticks, which I can't abear.

Sunday : we stay in bed a bit longer, and have our tea, coffee, toast and Oxford marmalade in bed, joined by the familiars, Maisie (white and tortie pussy cat) and Smwtts (tortie and white pussy cat).

Leisurely ablutions ; a gentle walk (we look out on to rough pasture, where there are four horses), and almost every week alike the grandbrats come to see us. Bliss. If it's fine they will help us or hinder us in

the gardens. If it's wet we will play Snakes and Ladders, or Ludo, or Monopoly, or cards, or poker dice.

I would not swop places with any one, and I would not call the Queen my auntie.