The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110427   Message #2318115
Posted By: Steve Shaw
17-Apr-08 - 07:25 AM
Thread Name: Eliza Carthy in the Guardian
Subject: RE: Eliza Carthy in the Guardian
Note the "e" in "whingeing," in case you need it again.   I said many feet up the thread, Ruth Archer, that I reacted to the article taking it at face value. I maintain that the last paragraph was unwise and ill-informed. Up to that point in our proceedings the article had not been challenged in the thread in any way, and I thought there were at least some grounds to challenge that last paragraph. I have said more than once that the rest of the article is fine, it's good that our luminaries get space in the papers and that the folk Prom is a great idea. Your job, if you're interested, is to counteract my adverse view of the "offending" passage with argument.   It is not your job to imply that I can't be objective because of opinions I expressed in the past on a different topic. Frankly, and I think you know it, that is a cheap shot. You are posting on a public forum and I will thank you to not make insinuations about my integrity.   I've put a fair amount of effort into my posts in this thread, right or wrong, and I'll argue my corner as best I can. Might I suggest that you do the same.