The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110501   Message #2318972
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
18-Apr-08 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Come On You Miserable Lot in UK
Subject: RE: BS: Come On You Miserable Lot in UK
With pubs closing at a rate of knots (forget the actual figure but it's something like two a week?), especially in areas like mine where at least half the inhabitants are forbidden alcohol on religious grounds and property prices show no sign of dropping anytime soon, despite what the papers say, then it's actually very hard to find an acceptable pub within walking distance. We are better served with public transport, having buses that run 24hrs, but who wants to share a bus home with a load of screaming, puking, postulating teenagers - and that's just coming home from school!