The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96122   Message #2319135
Posted By: Midchuck
18-Apr-08 - 07:21 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Tramps and Hawkers
Subject: RE: tramps and hawkers
I don't think I've ever heard the original "Tramps and Hawkers" sung, but I've heard "Peter Amberly," Lakes of Ponchartain," and the Jim Ringer "Tramps and Hawkers," all sung to the same melody, so I kind of assume that's the "right" one. But the versions of "Lily of the West" that I've heard have a different tune.

The confusion on the title of the Jim Ringer song is due to the fact that, as indicated above, Tom Russell and Ian Tyson wrote an entirely different song entitled "The Rose of the San Joaquin." Then Tom put out an album entitled "The Rose of the San Joaquin," on which he did, inter alia, a cover of the Jim Ringer song.
