The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2319805
Posted By: Ron Davies
18-Apr-08 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
I'd still, as I did earlier in the thread, like to counsel against euphoria. The predictions for PA are all over the map. I've seen one that put Hillary 14% ahead. The recent "debate" did not help Obama.

Hillary still has to take PA by 15% or above-- and it's unlikely. We should require that sort of margin for her to claim any kind of "victory". If we start citing 6%, 4% etc., then if she does better than that, we'll hear--yet again--about a "miraculous" recovery. We don't need that.

If she doesn't narrow the gap by a lot more than 10 delegates after the PA, NC, IN, group of primaries, it will be obvious--above all to her own fundraisers--that she has no chance. So she will fold--and give a wonderfully magnanimous speech.