The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110544   Message #2320228
Posted By: Georgiansilver
19-Apr-08 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hunger Site question
Subject: RE: BS: Hunger Site question
Been to Romania with Humanitarian aid several times....done two Firewalks"....yep walking over hot coals for two different Hospices.....done a bungee jump and a Five peaks challenge...(Ie climbed the five highest peaks in the British Isles in 48.5 hours)
Did a 2 hour Aerobothon.....(ie 2 hours of Aerobics) for a local Hospice...etc etc etc etc....get into it yourselves...DO SOMETHING directly not by donation..........Raise money from your friends by being sponsored.......some of my friends sponsored me at £10 to £20 a go for doing some of the things I did and it so helps others who are less fortunate than ourselves.....GO FOR IT!!!!!!... I am just some ordinary guy who wants to make a can YOU!!!!!