The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21656   Message #232097
Posted By: Amos
22-May-00 - 04:45 PM
Thread Name: Being True to Oneself
Subject: RE: Being True to Oneself
Being focused on the acquisition of skills and art, as Peter describes, does not imply abandoning being true to oneself. It is best done BECAUSE you are being true to yourself, and this is the path that that leads you to.

A lot of the confusion on this issue stems from the unanswered question of what a 'self' really is, or rather, which of the many pieces one gets wrapped up in and claims as part of selfhood are not in fact anything to do with the genuine central viewpoint that is the true self.

"That's the way I was drawn" works for cartoons, but real people have to step up a little closer to the heart of things and discover who they really are after they've put down all their suitcases and diaper bags.