The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110562   Message #2321349
Posted By: Sugwash
21-Apr-08 - 06:57 AM
Thread Name: Unaccompanied Singers
Subject: RE: Unaccompanied Singers
When I go to a sing around I take a guitar, or other instrument, and accompany myself whilst I sing because, well because I can really. I've often suffered from unaccompanied singers recognising a song and launching in with their version of the song and tune, with a thunderous voice trained at shanty sessions, regardless of what I'm singing. I say that only to make the point that it isn't always those with instruments who are insensitive.

I agree that some musicians can be insensitive when they decide to add their instrument to a singer. A good musician will not try to drown out or impose their own interpretation. That should also hold true for singers. We all enjoy the same music in our diverse ways, it saddens when this debate constantly reappears where musicians and singers are put into different camps, each mentally growling at the other. "Oh the singers and musicians should be friends..."