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Thread #110504   Message #2322013
Posted By: Barry Finn
21-Apr-08 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
Subject: RE: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
I'm from the Boston area & I'd have to say that the church here wasn't forthcoming with alot of info & help until the scandle grew & the mounting pressure became over baring. The churh in the beginning of the scandle's wave would not release books or other documentation but later did come to bend against their will & eventually many of the offenders were investigated. The chuch here is still paying dearly & a good number have been prosecuted & imprisoned. There's still many that need to be held accounted for though.
Given the time laspe I wouldn't but a lot of blame on the police though, at least not in my area. They've done well with what they've had to deal with. The time issue, victims not willing to come forward, lack of documentation, a resistant church, alot of deaths among the victims, criminals & witnesses & etc. It's the church's responsibility to bring the issue to a close to the satisfaction of those victims that are presently crying out for justice, relief & closure. One of the main issues is the Bishops, Arch-Bishops & Cardnials that knowing shifted & shielded these criminals from place to place effectively giving them shelter from the law & from their victims. Those criminals may be some what out side of the law's grasp now but they're not past paying a dept for their hidious behavior.
I spent my childhood & grammer school years in religious school & when I left to continue high school I never set foot in a church again until I was married & had kids of my own. It's, in my opinion an organisation that has it's pros & cons. It's in the business of selling faith to those that find a need for it & that's fine. But it could due with an overhaul as to it's purpose, aim, priorities & the means it uses to achive these goals.
Like any male dominated cultural community it will flourish & attract those men that will seek out the benifits of a male dominating group. The Boy Scouts has the same attraction, or an all boys school or the Boys Club. These are all well meaning groups with good intentions & with plenty of saints & well wishers & do gooders but they all need to police themselves for those that have have their own aggendas that are actually in opposition to the groups purpose & from those that would prey & seek to satisfy their own disires in an arena of easy pickings. The set up is like a turkey shoot.
The church did such a bad job policing themselves that they actually set up a system where they attracted the foxes & invited them into watch the hen houses & prey among the innocent. They were the ones that could do no wrong, they were beyond question, they were to be trusted above all others & they were the guides for the willing. That is the churches fault & that is the system they created & need to correct. They aren't & weren't able to police themselves. They have a good ways to go before they can fix their system & they can't fix their system until they acknowledge the harm that's been caused by their willingness to turn a blind eye, until they set the system straight, until they clear themselves of those that shuffled the criminals about, until they get on their bended knee & beg the forgiveness of those that they injured. They need to open their arms & books willingly to any & all that ask & transparency needs to be achived, willingly. The culture & climate of the priesthood also needs to come under a transformation. Alot of what happened did so under the eyes of knowing priests & clergy & much was kept silent & many turned a blind eye or didn't follow through when discouraged by superiors. They may not ever receive justice but that climate & culture needs to be reformed.
The chuch needs to bend over backwards to see that it clears itself of all this before it even begins to worrying about clearing it's good name, that should be the last of their worries.
