The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110504   Message #2322200
Posted By: Big Mick
21-Apr-08 - 10:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
Subject: RE: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
If you were a member, we would continue this discussion using PM's. I likewise apologize for the rhetoric, but I get damn tired of characterizations that simply ignore all the good that is done, on a daily basis, which affects people in a positive way. This good is being done by people attempting to live a life in the model of what their faith asks them to do. Your equating the religion with Nazism and Hitler, while ignoring all the good absolutely floors me. There are so many here that use any excuse to damn the Church, while never acknowledging the good done.

So let us let the conversation return to where it was..
