The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110584   Message #2322309
Posted By: Marilyn
22-Apr-08 - 04:22 AM
Thread Name: Folkies: Two Kinds?
Subject: RE: Folkies: Two Kinds?
WLD: "What we have to do, is go out and become jobbing musicians. We play the music which ordinary people demand - wherever its needed. Supply and demand. And that's when we really learn about 'folk' music."

I swore I would never get involved in one of these discussion but ...

I really can't agree with you on this, WLD.
I am involved with *folk* music because I love music and love being involved in music making. But I have to like what I'm playing otherwise what's the point in playing it? If I were to play the music which ordinary people demand I would be bored out of my mind and might end up losing my mind (I'm serious here)!

I happen to like most (but not all) traditional music and dislike most (but not all) more contemporary stuff. I play what I like and make sure I *appear* to appreciate anything I don't like (out of consideration for the performer) but asking me to *play* what I don't like seems crazy to me. I would very quickly get out of the folk scene altogether!

Phew! got steam coming out of my ears - what did you do that to me for? :-)
