The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #53849   Message #2322485
Posted By: clueless don
22-Apr-08 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: here we go loopy loo
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: here we go loopy loo
Just looked at this thread for the first time. Several things come to mind:

The Do-Bee song I remember from Romper Room (Miss Connie, as I recall) started "Start buzz-buzzing, here's your chance. Everybody's doing, the Do-Bee dance. ..." It is probably available somewhere on the web.

The first time I ever heard "here we go loopy loo" was on what at the time was called "Top 40 radio", back in the sixties. It sounded to my ears like "Here we go loop-de-loop". I didn't find out until later that it was a children's song.

Being from the USA side of the pond, I never encountered Andy Pandy. But I seem to remember Andy Panda, who I believe was a cartoon character produced by the same folks who made Woody Woodpecker (Walter Lantz?)
