The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #110504   Message #2322858
Posted By: GUEST,MikeS
22-Apr-08 - 03:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
Subject: RE: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
Just to set the record straight, I was not laying the blame for Hitler's career on the Catholic Church, nor was I actually equating Nazism with Catholicism, despite their long history of intolerance, persecution and slaughtering of the Jewish people. Amongst other things, I was trying to illustrate that the actions of people, good or bad, does not necessarily depend on whether they are religious or not. Indeed, I would maintain that acts of goodness are, at least morally speaking, worth infinitely more if they are not done for religious reasons, ie 'in the name of God', but just done for the sake of doing something good or positive. It annoys me that the Church is all too willing to claim credit and responsibility for the positive acts of its members whilst 'playing down' the more negative aspects. The main reason I mentioned Hitler though, was to illustrate the Catholic Church's capacity for denial and corruption. No doubt many Catholics would take that personally - it isn't, it's just an observation. No way am I going to enter into any personal arguments with you, it isn't worth it. I really don't mind what people believe in, so long as they don't detrimentally affect me and mine with it, and so long as they don't assume some kind of moral superiority from it.