The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21447   Message #232351
Posted By: John in Brisbane
23-May-00 - 01:10 AM
Thread Name: Godless 'hymns' or Atheism Church Music?
Subject: ADD: Old Time Religion Verses
Mrr, you said you would like a few more verses of Old Time Religion - ever willing to oblige. Here's 667 of them. Regards, John

We will hang out with Anansi I will visit with Nyame
He's the spider god we fancy The Ashanti god of all, hey
And he wears eight legged pants, He's I will bring him a salami
got enough legs there for me! And we'll both sit down to tea!
Lots of folks are into God Let us praise God for creation
And I've often thought it odd And he made more than one nation
Do they love Him for His bod'? Let's give Him a big ovation,
Or is it ideology? And then tell Him "Let us be!"
I don't care about Jehover It's the Fundie Right's solution
Soon his office term is over To put Christian absolution
I would sooner worship Rover In the U.S. Constitution
'Cause he's good enough for me! And that don't sit well with me!
I won't go into no temple I shall stay a firm agnostic
Not for Graham nor Miss Semple I can't do a double-crostic
No, not even for a "semple" I'm a fan of Barry Bostwick
It ain't good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
If you think religion's awful But the True Religion's Science
And you've really had your craw full Where we place our great reliance
Just be sure your acts are lawful 'Cause it's laws don't take defiance
Or they'll -all- be after thee! So it's good enough for me!
We will go and worship Jesus We give thanks to Jerry Falwell
Yes we will, when Hades freezes If his Crusade we can't stall, well,
He is full of guilt and fleases Ship him one-way to Rabaul - well!
Which ain't good enough for me! that's not far enough for me!
Are you waiting for the Rapture? Whene'er I hear Jerry Falwell
Superstition's got you captured! Quite soon I don't feel at all well
You believe a lot of crap, sure Throw him down a sacrificial well
Isn't good enough for me! That'll be good enough for me!
There are those who worship no gods Madelyn Murray O'Hare hollers
For they think that there are low odds Let's get God from off our dollars
That the god-seers aren't drunk sods God is something I can't swaller
And they're good enough for me! 'Cause he's got more balls than me!
There are those that sing out "Amen" Are you waiting for the Rapture?
To a bastard Jewish shaman Go on, wait, and see if I care!
You know who, so I won't name him I'll go off and take a nap, sure
But it's good enough for me! Isn't good enough for me!
Call Him God, or call him Allah The very first of chiromancers
The priest will take your dollah Overdosed on mood-enhancers
Easy living from -your- follah- And found his palm had all the answers
-wers, but sorry, -not- from me! Which is good enough for me!
You can keep your Old Religion, Jehovah's fine transcendence
It's for suckers and for pigeons! And the Church's great resplendence
I don't buy it! Not a smidgen! Pushing guilt and co-dependence
I'm an atheist, you see! Ain't good enough for me!
AGNOSTIC/ATHEIST CHORUS: Gimme NO kind-a religion
Gimme NO kind-a religion
Gimme NO kind-a religion
It simply ain't for me!
I hear Valkyries a-comin One-eyed Odin we will follow
In the air their song is comin And in fighting we will wallow
They forgot the words! They're hum min! Till we wind up in Valhallow
But they're good enough for me! Which is good enough for me!
We will drive up to Valhalla It was good enough for Odin
Riding Beetles, not Impalas Though the tremblin' got forbodin'
Singing "Deutschland Uber Alles" Then the giants finally strode in,
And that's good enough for me! But it's good enough for me!
It was good enough for Loki Shall we sing a verse for Thor,
It was good enough for Loki Though he leaves the maidens sore?
He thinks Thor's a little hokey They always come back for more,
And that's good enough for me! So he's good enough for me!
Shall we sing in praise of Loki, It was good for Thor and Odin
Though he left poor Midgard smokey It was good for Thor and Odin
Oh, his sense of humor's hokey, Grab an axe and get your woad on!
But he's good enough for me! and it's good enough for me!
All the Gods tore into Loki We will worship now with vigor
Saying Deicide is hokey! The goddess known as Frigga
And they threw him in the pokey! Tho there are some who don't dig her
And that's good enough for me! She is good enough for me!
Good old Thor's the god of thunder If you wanna worship Odin
Really helps us get our plunder You don't have to have a coat on
Tho his head's still truly dunder Grab a sword and slap some woad on
He is good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
In the halls of Frey and Freya We will sing a verse for Loki
All the priestesses will lay ya He's the old Norse god of Chaos
If you're good enough, they'll pay ya Which is why this verse don't
And that's good enough for me! rhyme or scan or nothin'
But it's good enough for me...
Odin is a mighty thinker Give a hand to darlin' Freya
And he is a heavy drinker There's no need to ask her "May ya?"
With the girls he likes to tinker For a necklace she will lay ya!
So he's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will go and worship Loki We will go to Utgard Castle
He will tell a dirty jokie We'll watch Thor and Elli wrassle
And get locked up in the pokey Thor will have a lot of hassle
But that's good enough for me! But he's god enough for me!
We will go and worship Frigga It was good enough for Thor 'n'
And the men will be much bigga I can hear the thunder roarin'
And they won't have a hair-trigga Or maybe it's his snorin'!
And that's good enough for me! But it's good enough for me!
Do you know what brought Balder low We will all go worship Hoenir
His Achilles heel, mistletoe Who has ears that hear by sonar
His systems are no longer "Go" And a most impressive boner!
But he's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will raise our cups to Bragi It was good enough for Loki
And we'll drink until we're groggy Whose humor was okey-dokey
And the pretzels get all soggy He'd laugh and take a tokey
But that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will ask a boon of Mimir We will walk upon ol' Bifrost
With the Northern Lights a-glimmer Tell ol' Heimdall that we're not lost
I would not mind being slimmer Ask Odin what the runes cost
Which is good enough for me! And hit Loki with a pie!
Let us sing for Brujaria We will watch a Bruja giggle
Though the blood's a lot less cleaner At a novice witch's wiggle
It's not Christian Santaria For you see, a Bruja's giggle
So it's good enough for me! Is a Brou-ha-ha to me!
We will all go to Nirvana Oh we all will follow Buddah
So be sure to mind your manners Oh we all will follow Buddah
Make a left turn at Savannah And we'll eat no food but Gouda
And we'll see the Promised Land! Which is Gouda-nuff for me!
It was good enough for Buddha, We will go and sing "Hosanna"
As a god he's kinda cute-a, To our good ol' pal, Gautama,
And he comes in brass or pewta' He will never flim or flam ya',
So he's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
No one wrote a verse for Buddah We will all go to Nirvana
Tho I think they really coulda We will all go to Nirvana
And I really think they shoulda Make a left turn at Urbana
'Cause he's good enough for me! And you'll see the Promised Land!
We will all follow Buddah We will venerate the Buddah
He's one really serene dude-a Comes in silver, brass and pewta'
But you have to beg for food-a He ain't quite the Lion of Judah
And that's good enough for me! But he's good enough for me!
We will sing for Yama-Dharma Maybe I should try ol' Buddah
At our revels on the farm-a We can share a little Gouda
Though it messes up our karma I hope he won't think it rude-a
It's good enough for me! Me to say he's not for me!
I am darn confused by Zen Clap one hand if you love the Buddha
It seems way beyond my ken It will put ya in the mood ta
Could you say it all again Set off for Nirvana
Somewhat clearer so I'll see? And that's good enough for me!
To the tune of Handel's "Largo" If you get too tired
We will hymn the gods of Cargo And you need to get up higher
'Til they slap on an embargo Just have Pele light your fire!
And that's good enough for me! From her island in the sea!
You can keep your saints with halos, It was good enough for Maui
Your incense, hymns and aloes: And for his communion chow he
Let's throw virgins in volcanos! Served up poi and long pig - Wowee!
And that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will go and worship Maui We will watch the hula dancers
With that Polynesian zowie Topless Polynesian prancers
And he'll give us Maui Wowee! And we'll get pagan romance, sir
And that's stoned enough for me! And go to Easter Island, free!
We will worship with the Fundies Say the Baptists, "We're the only
With their itchy hair-shirt undies We're the one church that's not phony
If they don't bring "Mrs. Grundy," If you give us all your money
Then it's good enough for me! Then to Heaven you shall go!
It was good for old Jehovah Let's all listen up to Jesus
He had a son who was a nova! He says rich folks like old Croesus
Hey there, Mithras! Move on ova'! Will be damned until Hell freezes
Another resurrection Day! And that don't sound good to me!
Jerry Falwell thinks he's sav-ed Oh we'll all be Fundamental
In a lamb's blood he's been lav-ed And be Holy Testamental
And HE thinks that I'M deprav-ed And never Trancendental
But that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Tho J.C.'s into fish, too, Anytime that I start hearin'
He's an avatar of Vishnu "Jesus loves you" I start leerin'
So he is welcome here, too, Maybe so, but not like Brian
And that's good enough for me! Which is good enough for me!
Brother Jerry is a cretin Brother Oral's in his tower,
But with all the cash he's gettin' Trusting in the Lord's power
Lotsa folks'll be forgettin Getting richer by the hour,
It's the "Land of the Free!" Now he's got the ransom fee!
Brother Robert's church is Crystal Brother Earnest is a healer
But all the Bible that he's missed 'll And not QUITE a wheeler-dealer --
Make you "hotter than a pistol" More a jumper and a squealer
But he's good enough for me! So he's good enough for me!
Brother Jim and Sister Tammy Then there's good ol' Brother Billy
Had a show that was a whammy Bringing souls in willy-nilly.
But now they are in Miami All his trips are kinda silly,
Tryin' t'get back on TV! But he's good enough for me!
That Bob Larson shrieks and hollers s We will finally pray to Jesus
Fighting demons in his callers From our sins we hope he frees us
Save his program: SEND YOUR DOLLARS! Eternal life he guarantees us
And that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
You could join Jehovah's Witness And let's not forget Pelagius
Running door to door for fitness Though some call him outrageous
Well if you've been blessed with quickness He is pious and courageous
Then thats good enough for me And he's good enough for me!
Oh the Christians worship Jesus Oh my name is Torquemada
But their sermons sure don't please us I burn Lutherans in Grenada
It's a Sin each time ya sneezes It's all for the Holy Fadda
That ain't good enough for me! And it's good enough for me!
We will worship Christian Jesus It was down in Waco, Texas
And do just like John Paul pleases When they came to arrest us
That we will... when Hades freezes We needed britches of asbestos
And that's good enough for me! That was hot enough for me!
It was good for Oral Roberts We will witness for Jehovah
It was good for Oral Roberts Sell "Watchtower" ten times over
Not so good for elves and hobbits But it ain't no bed of clover
And it's good enough for me! So I'm sorry; not for me!
Whether Low Church or it's High Church And the Romans said of Jesus
Or it's Pie-Up-In-The-Sky Church "Lets kill him, he don't please us"
Come on down and visit my Church "But the Atheists will tease us"
'Cause it's good enough for me! And thats good enough for me
Well you can worship Jesus It's no good for Billy Graham
Go ahead and pray to Jesus 'Cause he just won't give a damn
But I tell you, he don't please us 'Cause he's too much of a ham
Just leave my Gods to me! But it's good enough for me!
Others followed Rev. Jim Jones Oh the Christian sects they will clutch
In Guyana they found their bones At their dogmatic hate-crutch
Kool-Aid mixed with cyanide stones I'm afraid that is just too much
That ain't good enough for me! Sects and violence for me!
Well I hear your god's named Jesus Take the Blarney Stone and pitch it
You can do just as you pleases To the nuns of St. Bridget
Even bless me if I sneezes Tho they're pious, they're not frigid
Cause its good enough for me! And they're good enough for me!
It was good enough for Jesus Let us pray to the Virgin Mary
Though Paul's doctrine doesn't please us Let us pray to the Virgin Mary
We prefer a faith that frees us As our Rosary we carry
And that's good enough for me And she's good enough for me!
We will go to worship Zeus You can dance and wave the thyrsos
Though his morals are quite loose And sing lots of rowdy verses
He gave Leda quite a goose Till the neighbors holler curses,
And he's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will pray to Father Zeus We will sing for great Diana
In his temple we'll hang loose Who will teach of love and honor
Eating roast beef au jus, But you really gotta wanna!
And that's good enough for me! 'Cause she's tough enough for me!
Shall we sing a verse for Venus, We went off to worship Venus
Of the Gods she is the meanest, By the Gods! You should have seen us!
Cause she bit me on my...elbow! Now the Clinic has to screen us...
And it's good enough for me! But that's good enough for me!
We will venerate old Bacchus It was good enough for Sappho
Drinking beer and eating tacos With her lady on her lap-o
Til you've tried it please don't k nock us She put Lesbos on the map-o
'Cause it's good enough for me! With her pagan poetry!
Let us raise a toast to Bacchus, When we worship Bacchus
We will raise a royal ruckus, The ethanol will sock us
Then we'll lay us down and f**k us We'll all get good and raucous
That's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Diana is a little spikey We'll sing praises to Apollo;
And she is a little dyke-ey Where the Sun God leads we'll follow
You don't have to be a Psych-e ('Though his head's a little hollow)
To know that's right for me! He's good enough for me!
We will worship with Poseidon Don't neglect that shrine of Zeus'
We will meet him when the tide's in Tho he's lost his vital juices
All the maidens he will ride in The old boy still has his uses
Then he'll give 'em all to me! And he's good enough for me!
All the hunters start convergin' We will all bow to Hephaestus
When Diana is emergin' As a blacksmith he will test us
It's too bad she's still a virgin 'Cause his balls are pure asbestos
But there's still hope left for me So he's good enough for me!
And what about this Bacchus, There is room enough in Hades
Who lives just to raise a ruckus? For lots of criminals and shadies
Loosens women so they'll f**k us, And disreputable ladies,
Well, that's good enough for me! And they're good enough for me!
We will all see Aphrodite And to help things get real racous
Though she's pretty wild and flighty The priests of Pan and Bacchus
She will meet us in her nightie Will hold a f***ing contest!
And she's good enough for me! And that's all right with me!
Oh we will go and worship Pan, Bumper stickers of all sizes
'Cause he just don't give a damn! At quite reasonable prices
Grab a woman or a man, They say 'ankh' if you love Isis
And that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Was a time, so I've heard tell, a We all worshipped Dionysus
Fine and promising young fella 'Till we ran into a crisis:
Gave his all to serve Cybele The bar had raised its prices;
But that's damn well not for me! That's not good enough for me!
We'll sing praises to Apollo There's that lusty old Priapus
Where the Sun-God leads, I'll follow He's just itching to unwrap us.
From Ionia to Gaul-o (He'd do more to us than tap us
And that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!)
We will have a mighty Party Pan's pipes got plugged last summer
In the honor of Astarte And it really was a bummer
Grab your chiton - don't be tardy Finally had to call a plumber!
'Cause she's good enough for me! But he's good enough for me!
In his dancing Pan will lead them Now Danae was sweet as flowers,
When his pipes call we will heed them She was into golden showers;
In truth tho, he don't need them And that showed her Zeus' power
He's more than enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
It was good enough for Venus We will sing our staves to Venus
She'd have sighed if she'd of seen us We will sing our staves to Venus
Letting morals come between us Tho I think this rhyme is henious
And she's good enough for me! But it's good enough for me!
There's one thing that I do know Let us dance with Dionysus
Zeus' favorite is Juno And get drunk on wine and spices
She's the best at know The Christians call them "vices"
And that's good enough for me! But they're good enough for me!
It was good enough for Cupid We will venerate old Hermes
It was good enough for Cupid With his staff entwined with wormies
His wings look kind of stupid Warding off the nasty germies
But that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Let's all drink to Dionysus We will all bow down to Venus
Wine and women beyond prices! As we dance upon Mt. Zenos
He made a Maenad out of my Sis! We will worship with our....voice
And that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
There are those who, when they've got e- We all worship Aphrodite,
Normous problems that are knotty And Her sister bold Astarte,
They just take them to Hecate They both throw a lovely party,
And that's good enough for me! And that's just fine with me!
In the church of Aphrodite
She's a mighty righteous sightie,
The Priestess wears a see through nightie
And she's good enough for me
We remember Ariadne Tho they wrote "Star Spangled Banner"
To whom Theseus was a cad, he On Anacreon's pinanner
Split and left her feeling badly He has such a laid-back manner
Good old Baccus set her free! That he's good enough for me!
Anacreon's drinkin' hearty If you plan to court Medusa
At a never-ending party At her place in Syracusa
Charter member from the start, he's s Take a mirror; what's the use-a
Got the seat I'd like for me! Getting stoned before your spree?
To Prometheus let us hark Aphrodite in her bower
In bringing fire, he made his mark Calls her lovers by the hour
Or we'd be dancing in the dark Joyful loving is her dower
And that's not good enough for me! And she's good enough for me!
Pan and all the satyrs prayed in If you have the itchy-squirmies
Chorus when they saw a maiden Then you better pray to Hermes
What a great place to get laid in! He will cure you of your germies
And it's good enough for me! And he's good enough for me!
We had better worship Neptune If you pray unto Uranus
We had better worship Neptune Then your crime is truly henious
If we don't we'll all be wet soon You can stick it in your...songbook
And that's wet enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Let us all join with the Dryads A most vile persisten lecher
Let us all join with the Dryads Scorned by one, set out to catch her
Trees may not be quite the Triad When his magic couldn't fetch her
But they're good enough for me! Poor Atlanta turned to me!
It was good for Greek Apollo We will frolic with old Bacchus
Though his act is hard to follow We don't care if some folks mock us
Full of lyres I cannot swallow 'Cause his rites are rather raucous
But it's good enough for me! And they're good enough for me!
It was good for old Achilles We will even worship Hades
Though death gave his Mom the willies ies Though he dwells among the shadies
She Styx-dipped him by the heelies He still picks up pretty ladies
And that's good enough for me! And he's good enough for me!
We will worship Aphrodite In the Temple of Apollo
We will worship Aphrodite All the laurel leaves we'll swallow
Cause we've seen her in her nightie ie Then the colored trails will follow
And that's good enough for me! And that's stoned enough for me!
Let us never forget Puck We will worship old Apollo
Leads us wand'ring thru the muck He's got others beat all hollow
He don't give a flying f*** Let him lead and we will follow
But he's Fool enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will worship old Poseidon We will run the Lupercalia
And the dolphin he's a-ridin' With our leather paraphenalia
Tho it has a scaly hide on Substitute for genitalia
Still, that's good enough for me! That ain't good enough for me!
It was good for fair Apollo It was good for lovely Artemis
For the Sun's rays he doth follow Who'd like to get to the heart of us
He'll be back again tomorrow She's glad to be a part of us
And that's good enough for me! And she's good enough for me!
It was good enough for Hecate At Troy nobody was mean-a
She's trying to make a witch of me That the Great Goddess Athena
I wish I could choose which one of Mopped them up with Ajax clean-a
And it's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
If you're worshipping Athena It was good enough for Hades
Then your morals must be clean-a Tho I'm glad he didn't make us
And your brain a little keen-a At least, he won't try to save us
And that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We've neglected Father Zeus We will worship Queen Omphale
Tho it seems a bit obtuse Who drove Heracles to folly
We think more of Mother Goose For they dressed in drag, by golly!
But he's good enough for me! I dunno if that's for me!
We will all go worship Plutus Young Bacchus in the springtime
And with riches he'll salute us Leads the dancers round the grapevine
All that gold would surely suit us Soon those grapes are gonna be wine
And it's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Demeter's bees within the hive Dionysius drank his wine down
Hum with joy to be alive And the Bacchae stumbled all 'round
Matriarchy is no jive And the pirate ship went aground
And it's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will go and worship Juno In the temple which is Hebe's
For there's one thing that we do know now And constructed by the Sea-Bees
She did not burn Brother Bruno She can cure the heebie-jeebies
And that's good enough for me! Which is good enough for me!
We're not crazy over Aries We will go and worship Vesta
For his men give us the scaries For her cooking is the best-a
And they kill like Christ's and Mary's ry's All the food at the fiesta
Which ain't good enough for me! Which is good enough for me!
I'll bow down and worship Ops Let us pray to our Demeter
'Cause we think that she is tops In the fields we'll go to greet her
Turns a lotta guys into Pops Then we'll grind her up and eat her
And she's good enough for me! And it's good enough for me!
Let us all sing for the Dryad Let us run from the Bacchantes
Let us all sing for the Dryad For they're not your maiden Aunties
For Bulldozers make them may-ad And they don't wear underpanties
But they're good enough for me! But they're mad enough for me!
It was good enough for Cybele We will -not- go worship Aries
She brought Attis back from Hell Tho his chest's a mat o' hair, he's
Though his tee-tee wasn't well Down on Wogs and Pinks and Fairies
But it's good enough for me And that isn't cool, by me!
We will all team up in dyads Sweet Persephone was roaming
With the Oreads and Dryads Through the meadows far from home 'n
Succubi and Sylphs and Naiads Pluto grabbed her -- awful omen!
Cause we like variety! (Though it shows he has good taste...)
Millions Marx and Lenin follow Some still worship Chairman Mao
In the "Little Red Book" wallow But I'll bet that Deng Xiao -
Their Party line I cannot swallow Ping will soon bring back the Dao
There are better gods for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will worship Karl Marx There are some who fall a-grinnin'
Carry Red Flags in the parx At the cult of Marx and Lenin
Only make love in the darx They kill heretics for sinnin'
And that's Marxism to me! And that's proof enough for me!
Let us read works of Confucius We used to study old Confucius
As we walk thru Massachusetts As we sat there on our tushes
In white robes that freeze our tus hes We're learning but don't push us
But it's good enough for me! And thats good enough for me
We will worship mighty Cthulhu We will worship Great Cthulhu,
H. P. Lovecraft's big old hoodoo We will worship Great Cthulhu,
(1930's fiction voodoo....) And we'll feed him Mr. Sulu
But that's good enough for me! 'Cause that's good enough for me!
Let us sing to Lord Cthuhlu We will sacrifice to Yuggoth
Don't let Lovecraft try to fool yo u We will sacrifice to Yuggoth
Or the Elder Gods WILL rule you Burn a candle for Yog-Soggoth
And that's good enough for me! And the Goat With a Thousand Young
Of the Old Ones, none is vaster Well it's good enough for *
Even Cthulhu's not his master He's a mighty kinky master
I refer to the unspeakable * When you pray he goes much faster
and that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
(* - well, do YOU waNT TO SAY IT)
And for those who follow Cthulhu Let's go worship Great Cthulhu,
We have really got a lulu: And run naked like a Zulu,
Drop a bomb on Honolulu! You and me and Mr. Sulu,
'Cause that's good enough for you! And that's good enough for me!
We will worship Great Cthulhu We will worship Holy Cthulhu
You and me and Mr. Sulu And we'll run around like Zulus
Howling like a drunken Zulu Then we'll feed him Mr. Sulu,
And that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
It was good enough for Cthulhu We will bow down to Cthulhu
Who'd eat me and who'd eat you, too o; We think he is quite a lulu
If it's good enough for Cthulhu He's not good enough for Zulus
Then it's good enough for me But he's good enough for me!
All the Chinese pray to Yao Next to Yao, they worship Yu
For he showed the farmers hao He built roads and bridges tu
And there's bumper harvests nao And canals - there's quite a few -
Which is good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Gimme that database religion I will learn to use SQL,
Gimme that database religion So my searches will all run well,
Gimme that database religion Though the learning curve can be hell,
It's good enough for me... It's good enough for me.
I will stick with my flat-file, CA-Clipper can compile
Though it may be lacking style, RDDs will make you smile
Its ease-of-use makes me smile, (though its queries take awhile)
And that's good enough for me. Still it's good enough for me!
Oh, 4D it is a monster We're all aware that FoxPro
And can be slow as molasses Runs in Windows and is not slow
At least now it's with compiler (and it's what my bosses bought) so
But it was good enough for Guy! It must be good enough for me.
I will write my code for PICK now And then Pr1me bought INFORMATION
I will write my code for PICK now So there was massive consternation
And when I'm finished I will say W OW! What understated observation --
And that's good enough for me... Was not good enough for me!
I use , not Lotus, I will organ ize mine relationally,
Though the market-share is bogus; So it re-indexes sensationally --
Like that famous racing tortoise, It's only useful occassionally,
It is good enough for me. But that's good enough for me.
I'll print data from my floppy, I used to perl my flat-file data;
And I'll file the paper copy -- I ran on Unix, so I hadda,
It keeps my secretary happy Now I do it 'cuz it's fasta
And that's good enough for me. And that's good enough for me.
We will keep on writing FOCUS You may code your CRTFORMs
Because Gerry came and woke us They're not dash-CRTFORMs
We will work our hocus-pocus Just wait for MAINTAIN & WINFORMs
And it's good enough for me. They'll be good enough for me.
It was good enough for Simon Fortran an, I remember the P-Eight-Fifty
Good enough for Simon Fortran, With 2K you've got to be thrifty
Good enough for Simon Fortran, But the Instruction set's quite nifty
And it's good enough for me. And it's good enough for me
You might think that I'm a yahoo, I am getting one of those work-
Hacking on my seven-oh-two, Stations that are known as PERQ
But it's good enough for Big Blue, Even though there's the odd quirk
And that's good enough for me. It's good enough for me
Now that wire-wrap we're routing We're 'puter hackers who speak jargon
Very soon we'll all be booting And may play chess with good old Sargon
Yeah Gimme that old time computing Have ya got yer mountain boots on?
It's good enough for me (We'll go climbing soon, you see!)
We will write our code in COBOL
Wanna SPICE up that old low-ball?
They're all good enough for me!
Let us sing to old Discordia Of Great Murphy much is spoken
Cause it's sure she's never bored ya ya For his Law shall not be broken
And if she's good enough for ya It's not pretty when he's woken
Then she's good enough for me! Things go wrong for you and me!
If your rising sign is Aries If your god of choice is Squat
You'll be taken by the Fairies Well then trendy, man, you're not!
Meet the Buddah in Benares But you'll get a parking spot!
where he'll hit you with a pie! And that's good enough for me!
We will sing a verse for Eris Let us do our thing for Eris
(Golden apples for the fairest!) Goddess of the discord there is
Though she sometimes likes to scare us e us Apple's golden, it's not ferrous
But she's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Let us praise the Holy Fool And the brave Illuminatti
For he's breaking all the rules Can hail Eris in a body
Holds you up to ridicule, Tho we think they're rather dotty
And that's good enough for me! They're good enough for me!
There are those who worship Eris It was good enough for Eris
There are those who worship Eris We'd love to have her near us
If you're one of them, you scare us s! Her apple is the fairest
So keep away from me! And she's good enough for me!
It was good for the goddess Eris We all know the goddess Eris
Who in anger would not spare us She had an apple for the fairest
Gave and apple for to snare us But we've got to learn to share, is
And that's good enough for me! That good enough for you?
We will praise the wily Trickster We will howl with ol' Coyote
Who of talents is a mixture Pee on bushes, eat peyote
And is famous as a prickster Then we'll roast ol' Mendes' Goatie
And that's good enough for me! And that's wild enough for me!
Say hosannas to "Bob" Dobbs
With space aliens he hobnobs
He's the patron saint of slobs
And that's good enough for me!
Oh, the dollar is our Saviour There are those who scream and holler
If we spend Her or we save Her And get hot under the collar
She controls all our behaviour For their god, Almighty Dollar,
There's not enough for me! Who is good enough for me!
Let us praise the Almighty Dollar Oh the Dollar is the True God
Let us praise the Almighty Dollar Not the Sun God or the Moon God
Tele-Evangelistic holler 'Cause it's my God and it's your God
And it's good enough for me! And that's God enough for me!
We will worship like the Druids, In Pwyll's hall you will be welcome
Drinking strange fermented fluids, But he's not at home too often
Running naked through the woo-ids, Spends all his time in Annwyfn
Coz that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
I'll go get my golden sickle We will worship like Zen Druids
And I'll wear it where it tickles In their non-existant wooids
It ain't used for cuttin' pickles! Don't try to think, just dooid!
And it's good enough for me! And it's good enough for me!
We'll go riding with Arawn That old wondrous faerie, Morgan
In the dark before the dawn Could appreciate an organ
Wildest Hunt that we've been on! Just as long as it was workin'
But it's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Now there was this wizard, Merlin, There's this Druid who is Jewish
Really kept the world a-twirlin' He is nice and sometimes foolish
'Til he got mixed up in girlin' "Oy vey! You don't -look- Druish!"
But he's good enough for me! "Let's define our terms," says he!
Wrap your sacrifice in wicker Oh the Welsh gods, -you- announce 'em
It will make the flames burn quicker er Asking my gods to renounce 'em
Tho the smell makes some folks sicker ker But our gods, I can't pronounce 'em
It's still good enough for me! Being tongue-tied's not for me!
When I hear the Ban-Sidhe wailing When the Morrigu are riding
Sure it sets my heart a-quailing And the fell Trollwives are striding
Death behind someone is trailing I'm sure going into hiding!
And I hope it isn't me! 'Cause that battle's not for me!
When the Wild Hunt fills the evening ng We will visit with the Sidhe
With a howling and a screaming And we'll drink until we're giddy
How the Lady's eyes are gleaming Leave behind G. Gordon Liddy
And that's where I wanna be! And that's good enough for me!
We will dance 'round with the Dus We will play with the Pookah
Tho he plays us fast and loose It will aspect as a hookah
He plays jokes on me and youse Or a haunted pressure-cookah
But he's good enough for me! But that's good enough for me!
If you like aggressive women Said the Sidhe to their new war-duke
Morrigan with tricks is brimmin' "You must quell Balor, that fierce gook;
Do you groove on S&M-in'? "Just remember -- USE THE FORCE, LUGH!
Then she's just the one for you! "You'll be good enough for us!"
Let us sing the praise of Horus When we all bowed down to Nuit
As our fathers did before us There was really nothin' to it
We're the New Egyptian Chorus (Alex Sanders made me do it...)
And we sing in harmony! But that's good enough for me!
We will venerate Bubastis We will pray with those Egyptians
We will venerate Bubastis Build pyramids to put our crypts in
If you want in, then just ast us! Cover subways with inscriptions,
'Cause that's good enough for me! Which is good enough for me.....!
Let us all now worship Ra We will all do praise to Horus
And take care of our Ka In an old Egyptian chorus
We'll all sit round and go "Ah-h-h If there's something in it for us
Which is good enough for me! Then it's good enough for me!
Here's an invitation for us We will venerate Bubastis
All to go and worship Horus Cause my cat walked up and ast us
Doff your clothes and join the cho rus (Now the cat box is DISASTROUS!)
And that's good enough for me! But it's good enough for me!
It was good for old Osiris We will worship old Osiris
But what I want to inquire is: As we sit and smoke papyrus
Can you Xerox (tm) a papyrus? We will prob'ly catch a virus
And it's good enough for me! But it's good enough for me!
I prayed to mighty Isis Let us not forget ol' Isis
To relieve romantic crisis She will help you thru your crisis
Now I've got satyriaisis 'N make your dreams glow brightest
Which is good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will go and worship Isis We will bow down to Osiris
Tho she won't help lower prices At the blooming of the Iris
We won't find someone as nice as And he'll save us from the virus
She - that's good enough for me! Which is good enough for me!
Oh you need no priests for Amon There's the God who is a monkey
He looks kindly upon laymen His behaviour's kinda funky
'Course he'd much rather lay women And he makes a lousy bunkie
And he's good enough for me! But he's good enough for me!
We will go and honor Isis Let us worship Egyptian Min
She will help us thru our crisis Christians call our orgies "sin"
'Cause she has no minor vices But New Morality is 'in!'
And that's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
We will go to worship Ammon We will sing the praise of Ra
He will send to end a famine And of Ammon who goes "B-a-a-a!"
Bagels, cream cheese and smoked sa lmon And the Pharaoh's whole brou-ha-ha
Which is good enough for me! Which is good enough for me!
It was good for Mother Hequet We'll all be Egyptian mummies
Who bought babes with lots of rack et With bandages 'round our tummies
It was good for Mother Hequet And we'll stagger 'round like rummies
And it's good enough for me! And that's good enough for me!
Thoth (or should we say Tehuti?)
Thinks that scholarship's our duty
Though he's more than somewhat snooty
That is good enough for me!
We will all worship Elvis, We all worship good ol' Elvis,
He's the one with the Pelvis, Though he was kind of selfish,
And some think he's still alive, which hich, He could rock and grind his pelvis
Is good enough for me! And he's good enough for me!
Here's to those who copy Conan We will sing of Foul the Render,
Here's to those who copy Conan Who's got Drool Rockworm on a bender
They're just Followers of Onan In his cave in Kiril Threndor--
And that's good enough for me! They're both too much for me!
There are followers of Conan. Of Lord Shardik you