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Thread #110504   Message #2323837
Posted By: GUEST,Ed T
23-Apr-08 - 10:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
Subject: RE: BS: Pope on pedophile priests
First, I respect people of faith, Catholic and other religions.

While I have read of immense historic wrongs committed under the name of religion, I have seen in my life much good done by the many followers. With a few minor exceptions, faith is a source of inspiration, promise, and peace to many persons and societies worldwide. I would not wish this deminished for any follower.

I was a once a Catholic, but many years ago switched to another Christian faith, in real disgust with the hierarchy of this church.., the uncaring attitude, and inaction in dealing with a serious rot from inside it's ranks. Specifically, the sexual abuse of children for many generations. I could not sit inside a structure, or follow leaders who supported such by its knowing inaction.

I don't know why some, (possibly many), priests abuse children, mainly young boys. But, to me it is not the issue. The issue is the uncaring and unchristian actions by the governance of this church by failing to deal promptly, decisively, and responsibly with these persons and crimes. And, also the failure to show genuine (and yes, Christian) compassion and support for the unfortunate victims. Many victims have much internal strife and pain (I know a few of them, and have heard directly of their pain).

Too little, too late sums up my views on much of the recent initiatives by the Catholic church hierarchy. I submit that to protect those from inside, it has strayed far from Christian values and has lost the respect and support of many in the process. I am included in this group. But, this should not be mistaken as disrespect for the followers of the Roman Catholic religion.